Organizations need to be different in the 21st century, otherwise they won't survive. Instead of traditional rules, routines and structures; organizations need to have capabilities to change quickly, pool of talented employees, good relationships with stakeholders, and strategic unity regarding their future goals. Seeing what other organizations don't, will give a competitive edge to your organization. By sharpening organization's vision, one can achieve phenomenal growth rates blown past their competitors.
Let me give you an example. In 2007, I used to be an I.T. consult for a local business in the Boston area. They wanted to design one informational page for their website. Being a small business like them, I recommended that they should include tools from social media on their website to improve their sales through new tools. But they didn't agree with my suggestions and ended up having only an informational website. Their competition used Facebook and Twitter to publicize their business and got the major part of the market share. Unfortunately, the company had to go out of business during tough economic times of 2008. Today those who fail to adapt to new business attitude, face extinction in a much shorter time frame than ever before. Just a few short years ago, who would have named Brazil, China, India, and Russia as among the brightest stars in today’s economic world? Yet in recent years, the so - called advanced economies have struggled to keep up with the astonishing rise of these economic powerhouses.
Certainly, there is no shortage of powerful new business practices in today's hyper competitive business world. I have learned a few things from my experiences: whatever works right now is not always the right thing to do. Moreover, I am convinced that the very best management ideas come not from the old style managers whose track records and egos make them resistant to change, but from the people like me, who do the real work inside companies, people who are challenged on a daily basis and who not only survive but thrive in today’s complex, volatile, and demanding global marketplace. Thus, today's leaders need to be visionaries and should have strong will to change. If they think - "what they are doing works; therefore, what they are doing is right" and concentrates heavily on current processes instead of changing them to more efficient ways, then your organizations will fail in this fastest changing world.
I hope my article was helpful and I am eager to hear your feedback. Thanks. Bhavin Gandhi.
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